
 What is the Great Commission Fund (GCF)?

Unlike other organizations, The Christian and Missionary Alliance does not require its missionaries to raise their own support. Instead, missionaries and their ministries are financed through what we call The Great Commission Fund (GCF). C&MA church members and friends give to this fund regularly. 

What are the advantages of the GCF?

  • It supports the most-significant cause in history: reaching lost people with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • It places missionaries in their countries of service quickly.

  • It frees up missionaries to concentrate on their ministries instead of on raising funds.

  • It develops a stronger team spirit among missionaries on the field.

  • It insures that well-qualified missionaries (not just good fundraisers) are sent to the mission field.

What are the effects of the GCF?

Because of the GCF . . .

  • Every two minutes, someone prays to receive Christ through the worldwide outreach of Alliance ministries.

  • Every hour, three patients, many of them ravaged by AIDS, receive physical and spiritual care through C&MA medical work.

  • Every day via 43 radio broadcasts, people who have had no gospel witness hear the good news.

  • Every week, nearly 3,000 new believers are baptized.

  • Every month, 253 churches and church groups join the worldwide Alliance family.

  • Every year, 9,635 students are trained and equipped for ministry through 125 overseas Alliance theological schools.

How can you give to the GCF?

Many individuals give to the GCF by a Faith Promise made through their local churches. Some people give one-time gifts. Other people give regularly through our secure online giving site. And still others give through their estate, utilizing the services of The Orchard Foundation.