Restoration Kids

 What does children’s ministry look like?

Sunday Mornings

On Sunday mornings we have Nursery (0-3 yrs) and Children’s Church (PreK-2nd Grade) available during both services.

In between services we have Sunday School for kids PreK through 5th . This is a chance for kids to dig a little deeper into Scripture in more of a small group setting.

Wednesday Nights

On Wednesday nights we have programming for Kindergarten-3rd Grade and 4th-5th Grade.

Wednesday nights provide an opportunity for kids to explore biblical truth in a deeper way while also building strong discipleship relationships with other teachers and leaders.

The Kindergarten-3rd Grade will be focused on gaining a broad exposure to the gospel and biblical concepts while the 4th-5th Grade will be using the New City Catechism to gain a basic understanding of theology.

Register for Kid’s Ministry Here


New City Catechism

This is an incredible resource for families. There is an app, and print editions. The app has children’s mode which includes shortened catechism answers and music. Our Family Worship Weekly is using questions and memory verses from this catechism each week.

The Beginner’s Gospel Story Bible.

There is no better story bible available for young kids. Jared Kennedy does an excellent job at distilling down for the young audience so the meaning is clear. And the pictures are engaging for youngsters–a must!

The Gospel Story Bible.

Marty Machowski’s story bible is the basis for our Family Worship Weekly readings. His book does an excellent job at making a Jesus connection with every story and he covers stories that many story bibles skip. An excellent resource for families.