Special Needs

Imago Dei is a ministry of Restoration church which looks to support families and individuals within our church who have children with unique and special needs. We look to mirror the love of Christ, his heart and his image, through support for each individual child on Sunday mornings through our buddy system along with support for the whole family through the Sunday night bible study, Kings Table.

Sunday morning buddies are individuals from our church who work one-on-one with a single child from our ministry to provide the child with the support needed to allow each child the opportunity to fully worship, learn and experience Sunday morning teaching in a way most suitable for their needs. And by supporting the child, we look to love and support parents well, providing them the peace of mind and freedom to worship and learn during Sunday morning services, knowing their child is being well cared for by our buddy.

If you have questions, are interested in becoming a buddy or looking for the support of a buddy for your child, please contact Pastor Aaron Keller.